Cassandra Chlevin
Project Title: "Exposure to narratives and social reasoning"
Faculty Mentor: Karl Bailey
Major: Psychology
Cooper Hodges
Project Title: "Religiosity & Perceived Stress Among College Students"
Faculty Mentor: Duane McBride
Major: Psychology
Shanelle Kim
Project Title: "Gender, Family, and Morality in Ben Jonson’s Volpone"
Faculty Mentor: L. Monique Pittman
Major: English
Melodie Roschman
Project Title: "'The Story Which He Never Stops Telling Himself': Bernard’s Selfhood and Storytelling in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves"
Faculty Mentor: Beverly Matiko
Major: English/Journalism
WayAnne Watson
Project Title: "Musical Borrowing in Las cuatro estaciones porteñas: Piazzolla, Desyatnikov, Vivaldi"
Faculty Mentor: Trina Thompson
Major: Music