

University policy requires attendance to be taken in all courses that have meeting times, including interactive online synchronous courses.

Attendance taking was piloted in the 2021-2022 academic year and is now required for both graduate and undergraduate courses that have meeting times set in the course schedule.

This data is used by Student Financial Services, International Student Services, and Student Success to meet regulatory obligations and to support student success.

You may take attendance in LearningHub () or Banner.

To take attendance in Banner, follow the steps below:

  1. (it is also linked in your course in LearningHub).
  2. Click Take Roll next to the course you wish to enter attendance.
  3. Click Update All in the top left to:
    • Update Empty Records to Present
    • Update Empty Records to Absent
    • Mark all Present
    • Mark all Absent
  4. OR, you can scroll to a specific date and mark individual attendance.
    • Click once to mark student as present.
    • Click twice to mark student as absent.
    • Click three times to clear the previous selection.
  5. Optional: You can enter details on the right, including hours attended, if the student notified you of the absence, and the reason/notes, if you wish.
  6. Optional: Under the Class button, you can cancel a class meeting. It will notify students via email that class has been cancelled. This only cancels individual class meetings.

NOTE: For cross-listed courses, you will need to complete attendance tracking within each separate section where students are registered.