
Volume 8 No 1 (Spring 2014)

Articles are available on this website online if you see a weblink. The remaining articles of this issue are available in print to current subscribers. To get each issue mailed to you please subscribe to JACL.


New Life. (2014). JACL 8(1), 4-6. 

Biblical Reflection

Choi, Gyeongchun. (2014). The leading servant. JACL 8(1), 8-16. Read article.

Leadership Interview

Leadership Issues for the church. Interview with George Barna. (2013). 18-35. Read article.

Feature Articles

Jacobs, Tracie D. (2014). African-American women elders in Adventist congretations. JACL 8(1), 38-54. 
Puls, Timothy R., Ludden, Laverne L., & Freemyer, James. (2014). Authentic leadership and its relationship to ministerial effectiveness. JACL 8(1), 55-75. 
Wolllf, Randy. (2014). Leaders and their use of power in facilitating organizational change.JACL 8(1), 76-87. Read article.

Leadership Lived

Witzel, Eddie. (2014). Mentor. JACL 8(1), 90-94.


Jenkin, Clint & Martin, Allan A. (2014). Engaging Adventist Millenials: A church embracing relationships. JACL 8(1), 96-104. Read article.

Book Reviews
Leadership Resources

Dissertation Notices