
Volume 7 No 1 (Spring 2013)

Articles are available on this website online if you see a weblink. The remaining articles of this issue are available in print to current subscribers. To get each issue mailed to you please subscribe to JACL.

Short Article
  • Patterson, S. (2013). Up the down path: Power, ambition, and spiritual leadership. JACL 7(1), 8-15. Read article.
Leadership Interview
  • Blackaby, R. (2013). Reflections on spiritual leadership. JACL 7(1), 18-33. Read article.
Feature Articles
  • Ledesma, J. (2013). Narratives of longevity: Why adventist principals stay beyond 10 years in one school. JACL 7(1), 36-53. Read article.
  • Montoro, V. (2013). Professional development for christian teachers: A mixed-methods study. JACL 7(1), 54-67. Read article.
  • McMaster, J. (2013). The influence of christian education on leadership development. JACL 7(1), 68-84. Read article.
Leadership Lived
  • Burch, P. (2013). Project compassion. JACL 7(1), 86-91. Read article.
  • Decker, T. (2013). Reflection on april 1, 2011—Nahid. JACL 7(1), 92-93. Read article.
  • Morgan, D. (2013). Salvation in the dirt. JACL 7(1), 94-96. Read article.
  • McKenzie, L. (2013). Spiritual leadership in schools. JACL 7(1), 97-102. Read article.
  • Covrig, D., Ledesma, J., Gifford, G. (2013). Spiritual or religious leadership: What do you practice? What should you practice? JACL 7(1), 104-113. Read article.
Book Reviews

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Leadership Resources

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