
Portfolios and Resumes


o Focus on e-portfolios
o Collection of work developed across varied contexts over time
o Purposeful collection of digital artifacts—showing skills and knowledge
o Portfolio for advancing your career
o Benefits of e-portfolios (management of your digital footprint; more positive links to your portfolio, the higher you will be in Google search; creates a positive presence; portable; with global access; asynchronous way in which others can learn about you; show formal and informal learning)
o Components of Portfolio:  Table of contents with clear sections; introduction; artifacts (text, photographs, videos, web compatible sources; reflection)
o All artifacts should have a paragraph reflection:  description; learning outcomes; application; change; questions; next steps; Honors quality writing (error free)
o Develop a culture of e-portfolios
o Should we be requiring this in HONS 398?
o Could use Google Sites as a means of shaping an e-portfolio
o Professional Portfolio required within a program
o Advisors use this as a tool


o CV is a compendium of achievements
o Resume is a more focused presentation
o Resume can lower chances of under-employment
o What makes a resume professional?
o Organization/structure:  order based on relevance to the job sought
     Education is most relevant for students
     Work Experience
     Skills section (hard skills/technical skills—software; programming; professional writing); hard skills first and then soft skills (leadership; teamwork; hard worker)
     Community service
o Design intentional
o Targeted Content
o Bullets should be in a line
o Bullet points should be no longer than one sentence
o 1-inch margins all around
o Should be 1 page
o Design:  Should be neat, concise, easy for your eye to flow trough
o If you have minimal work experience, you want the design to set you apart aesthetically. (Consider consulting a graphic designer)
o Targeted Content:  Should be tailored to the position you’re apply to; don’t include content that is irrelevant to the position; S.T.A.R. method (Situation; Task; Action; Results). 
     Situation:  Describe a specific situation, project, event, role
     Task:  What is the goal of your situation, event, role, responsibility?
     Action:  What specific actions did you take for the task?
     Result:  What were the outcomes/accomplishments of your actions?
o Do you put a GPA on a resume?
o Should you put language proficiency on a resume?
o Don’t include high school materials on the resume.