
PhD (Religion)

The primary purpose of advanced academic studies leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): Religion is to provide teacher-scholars for church-operated colleges, seminaries, and universities around the world.
Description of Program
The Doctor of Philosophy degree in religion prepares teacher-scholars in the fields of New Testament Studies, Old Testament Studies, Theological Studies, Adventist Studies, and Mission and Ministry Studies for colleges and seminaries operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church around the world.
When students apply to the PhD program in religion, they select one of the five areas of study listed below:
Adventist Studies
• Development of Adventist lifestyle
• Development of Adventist theology
• General Adventist history
Mission and Ministry Studies
• Analysis of the biblical, theological, and theoretical basis for mission
• Evangelization of unreached people groups and urban population clusters
• Leadership development for effective church growth, ministry, and evangelistic strategies
• Study of world religions and secularism as a missionary challenge
New Testament Studies
• Development of the Christian community in the first and second centuries
• History and praxis of New Testament exegesis and theology
• Intertestamental and New Testament backgrounds, both Jewish and Graeco-Roman
• Language and literature: text, canon, critical introduction, and cognate literature.
Old Testament Studies
• Development of the Christian community in the first and second centuries
• History and praxis of New Testament exegesis and theology
• Intertestamental and New Testament backgrounds, both Jewish and Graeco-Roman
• Language and literature: text, canon, critical introduction, and cognate literature.
Theological Studies
• Christian ethics, comprising ethical theory and professional, personal, and social ethics
• Historical theology, examining the origin and development of theological concepts and trends
• Philosophical theology
• Systematic theology, embracing the biblical and doctrinal aspects of theological thought
Each area of study is to be supplemented with one of the cognate areas listed below. The cognate should be taken in a department other than the one which offers the major area of study.
• Biblical Archaeology and History of Antiquity
• Christian Ministry
• Church History
• World Mission
• New Testament
• Old Testament
• Religious Education
• Theology and Christian Philosophy
• Area selected from approved graduate-level studies
The PhD: Religion program builds on expertise and training developed in approved master's programs. It provides individuals equipped with skills and methods appropriate to genuine scholarship to do original and responsible research, and it promotes the proficient application of sound and valid principles of biblical interpretation and historic research. It seeks to acquaint students with the Judeo-Christian heritage and the findings of various branches of biblical scholarship and communicates the religious and ethical values of that heritage as found in Scripture and as understood by conservative Christians, in general, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church, in particular. This degree is not earned by the mere accumulation of credits. It is conferred on those who demonstrate clearly and capably, in written and oral form, mature and independent research marked by discriminating analysis, careful evaluation of evidence and theories, and sound interpretation of available data. The PhD degree in religion is granted only to those who give evidence that they have attained a distinctly superior level of expertise in their principal area of study and the supplementary cognate area.