MAPM Academic Progress
Your progress through the MAPM program is monitored by the use of an academic check sheet. This is a virtual inventory of classes you have taken (or need to take) as you journey through the academic curriculum delivery. Note that each category has a required number of credits expected. In most cases specific classes are required, in other cases you are free to choose within the categories or departments listed.
You will note that the headings on the check sheet correspond with the academic departments of the Seminary: Old Testament (OTST), New Testament (NTST), Theology & Christian Philosophy (THST), Christian Ministry (CHMN) and/or Discipleship & Religious Education (DSRE), Church History (CHIS), and World Missions (MSSN).
Check sheets indicate what you have done as well as have yet to do. The sheet indicates when you took a particular class, what academic credits it generated, and your grade. You can view your grades by going to iVue and choosing "Degree Works."
Blank check sheets are available here.
The InMinistry Center staff manages and distributes check sheets upon request. Any questions or problems should be reported immediately at (269) 471-3514.