
2024 Call for Papers

The theme of the 2024 ACFRP conference is Understanding Diverse Families. Papers will be accepted on the 2024 theme and various other family-related topics and reviewed by a panel of family life experts. The main interest is in papers with a family-related research or practice focus for the workshops, particularly those with an emphasis on integrating faith and practice. All abstracts must be submitted by April 5, 2024. Conference presentations will be made in-person on Friday, July 19, and Saturday, July 20, 2024 at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary in Berrien Springs, MI.

Process to submit an abstract:

  • Write a 500-word abstract including the title of the presentation.
  • In the same document as the abstract, include a list of references. The references should meet the following criteria:
    • Listed in the APA format.
    • At least two references must have been published within the last five years.
    • At least one reference must be from a peer-reviewed book or journal that was published within the last five years.
    • Websites may be listed as a fourth reference only if it is the direct link to the topic being presented.
  • Go to , fill out the Call for Papers form, and upload the abstract.


For additional information or clarification, email . Do not submit papers via email. All papers should be submitted through the link provided above.