
About Us


We see pastors, chaplains, and administrators multiplying the ministry of Christ in society through all believers, according to their unique giftedness.


In harmony with the Seminary, we prepare women and men for exceptional service as pastors, chaplains, and administrators who equip others to minister to the church and society in anticipation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

The Department of Practical and Applied Theology:

Prepares church leaders in the areas of pastoral ministry, evangelism, worship and sacred music, preaching, leadership, pastoral counseling, and chaplaincy.

Pastoral Care & Counseling

Our mission at Pastoral Care and Counseling is to care for our Seminary students and staff with a Christ-centered whole person emphasis; assist in evaluating students’ academic journey; and educate our students in the ethics and integrity of faith based counseling that promotes dignity and respect for all humans.


Homiletics is the art of preparing and delivering sermons. It is one of the disciplines of practical and applied theology. Those studying homiletics seek to enhance their ability to communicate God’s word in ways that connect with the human mind, heart, and soul in a transformative way. The homiletic program at the Seventh-day Adventist Theology Seminary does not believe in a “one size fits all” homiletical approach.

Our homiletical training focuses on two crucial elements of transformative preaching. First, biblical exegesis—the skill of “rightly dividing the word of truth.” Effective preaching begins by clearly understanding what God was saying to a particular group at a particular time (focus) and what he wanted to see that word accomplish in their lives (function). However, the word must then be contextualized into the lives of the modern-day hearers, which requires the aptitude of audience exegesis. The hearer, then, can proceed to live out the principles of God’s Word and God’s will. 

PATH Worship & Music Studies

“Worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.” Rev 14:7
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matt 28:19

The purpose of studies in worship and music is to develop seminarians into lifelong worshiping disciples of the Triune God, so that they may in turn make more worshiping disciples. Through our courses and worship ministry program, seminarians commit themselves to cultivating devotion to God. We apply all the teachings of the church through faith and song, so that our worship may give witness to our calling and mission of Christ’s soon return. We celebrate the rich heritage and diversity of all people as relevant and vital testimony to the power of God. We examine both history and best practices, seeking to align our theological worship expression with our Adventist faith. Thus, it is through studies in worship and music, seminarians both apply theology and demonstrate practical theology.

Our bulletin courses empower leaders in the ministry, history, theology, and philosophy of worship and music. These courses include, but are not limited to:

  • Worship: Word & Music
  • History & Theology in Adventist Worship
  • History of Christian Worship Music
  • Sacred Music in the African American Tradition

We look forward to worshiping together.

PATH Leadership

The PATH team that teaches leadership at the doctoral and master’s degree levels seeks to develop seminarians as leaders who are continually experiencing biblically based transformation that empowers them to lead others into ongoing transformational experiences. Our hope is that participants will experience the challenges and joys of leading transformationally at levels beyond the obvious. They will engage in learning that draws them to a life where experiencing the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and the costs involved in such an endeavor are standard.

Since doing flows from being, our passion is to be what we teach, encouraging seminarians to be changed into the image of Christ and learn to lead others through life-changing events and processes. This state of being comes from a committed relationship with Jesus that allows one to inculcate God’s values and principles of life into the believer’s heart and mind. As a result of all of this, the leader can effectively serve as a servant on mission with the Lord.


The NAD Evangelism Institute is the tangible expression of the Division’s commitment to inspire a passion for evangelism in seminary students, pastors, and lay ministers. We are uncompromisingly loyal to God’s mission through our church. We seek every opportunity and collaborative effort to produce missional ministers. One of our primary functions is to collaborate with the SDA Theological Seminary in the Practical and Applied Theology department to equip ministerial students in the areas of proclamation and personal evangelism. Areas of emphasis include evangelistic small groups, mission-shaped church planting and revitalization, Advanced Ministerial Development in NAD Ministerial core qualities, coaching and leadership development through ACTS cohorts. Our efforts are dedicated to producing and multiplying ministers of God in the church and community.

Pastoral Ministry

In Pastoral Ministry students explore and reflect on the high calling of ministry, their own call, and the focus of their ministry. It engenders growth in the roles, tasks, and responsibilities of pastoral ministry. During the class we will have labs where students will be engaged in conducting the various roles that the pastor is involved in such as baptism, communion services, wedding, funerals, board meetings, creating a healthy culture in the church, etc.. Also, the students will learn about the operation, policy, and structure of the SDA church. The outcome of the class is for the students to effectively practice the professional skills of pastoral ministry, know and articulate the organizational structure of the Seventh-day Adventist Church