
The Andrews Team

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." —Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972

The Title IX Steering Team works to create and maintain a safe and respectful campus community with equal opportunity for all persons. The membership is as follows:

Title IX Coordinator
Assitant Vice President for Campus & Student Life
Alyssa Palmer
Title IX Deputy Coordinator for Faculty & Staff Ethan Jones
Title IX Investigator and Asst. VP for Campus Safety Ben Panigot
Title IX Deputy Coordinator and Assistant Dean for Co-Curricular Education Patricia Fitting
Human Resources Director Darcy de Leon
Office of General Counsel Gwendolyn Powell Braswell
Title IX Deputy Coordinator for Ruth Murdoch Elementary School (RMES) Evelyn Savory
Title IX Deputy Coordinator for Andrews Academy (AA) Rubén Pérez Schulz 


Training Compliance

The Title IX Steering Team, as listed above, in addition to Hearing Panel members receive extensive training bi-annually. Click to review the training log.