
2020-2021 Grant in Aid of Research

Isinya Township Primary School Latrines

Justine Jaeger 

This research will be to determine how the quality of sanitation affects school performance. My research will be conducted in Kenya, Kajiado county at Isinya Township Primary School. The school has more enrollment of female students than male. With the abundant number of female students, the school only has two latrines for them and the male students are forced to relieve themselves in nearby bushes. Teachers are also forced to share the two latrines with the female students. Due to the number of students, the classrooms are also overcrowded and divided using metal sheets. This research is important to uncover how the effects of sanitation and hygiene plays a part in their (teacher and students) academic lives. In addition, this research will be conducted through qualitative methods of questionnaires and surveys to investigate the severity of Isinya Township Primary School. This includes: the school, educational performances, and the knowledge the teachers, students, and parents have regarding sanitation and hygiene. Furthermore, an interview with the principal did not provide the ratio of female and male students. With no additional ratio information provided, it is assumed that female students outnumber male students. This also concurs that there will be continuous chaos for the school and furthers the confirmation for the approval of this research.