
Closed Carrels Policy

Application Procedure

  • Make your study carrel application online.
  • You will be notified via email when your carrel has been approved.
  • After approval, go to the Circulation and Stacks Supervisor, check out your carrel, and collect the key.
  • If applying for a carrel in the Seminary Library, contact Terry Robertson at 269-471-3269 for more information.


Shared carrels do not need an application.  They are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.


All carrels must be renewed each semester.  The deadline for renewal is the third day of the new semester.  Notices will be left at each carrel two weeks before the end of the semester.  Failure to renew the carrel will result in its loss, with no exceptions.


  1. The carrel is to be kept clean and tidy at all times.
  2. Food and beverages should not be left in the carrels
  3. Reference materials must not be kept in the carrel.
  4. Library materials kept in the carrels must be checked out to the carrel assignee.
  5. Library staff will regularly inspect carrels to ensure adherence to the regulations.
  6. The door viewer is for your security.  Please do not cover it.  Staff will peep through it from time to time to ensure all is well. 


When you’re ready to vacate the study carrel, be sure that you clean out your carrel before handing over the key to the circulation desk.  The Circulation supervisor will inspect your carrel for cleanliness and charge you $50.00 as a cleaning fee if your carrel is left untidy as you check out.


  • James White Library cannot be responsible for personal items which may be left at the carrel.  Valuable items should not be left unattended at any time.
  • James White Library cannot guarantee the availability of a carrel to a qualifying student and reserves the right to terminate a carrel assignment at any time, with a m