
Centralized Printing Program

Printer Management for Campus Printers

老司机传媒 has implemented a print management program for printers operated by . This program covers all campus printers, with only a few exceptions for printers under separate maintenance agreements.

The print management program provides for a fixed cost per page (not including paper) and maintenance for certain qualified printers. These qualified printers are included in the Preferred Printer Program (PPP) and qualify for the greatest savings to campus. Campus printers which are not included in the PPP still receive certain cost saving benefits through the campus print management program.

Preferred Printer Program Summary:

  • The program is administered by Adams Remco, Inc through a specialized monitoring tool called FM Audit®
  • Only certain printers qualify. Check your printer for a white Preferred Printer Program sticker (in addition to the Adams Remco tag).  If you have the white sticker, then the printer is part of the Preferred Printer program.
  • All qualifying printers must have a campus network connection
  • Automated toner replacement. Toner may also be requested in advance when users know large jobs are approaching.
  • Two-day ground shipping to campus will be used


Printers Covered Under the Preferred Printing Program

Supplies & Service Management for the Preferred Printer Program:

  • Monitoring. Remote fleet monitoring tools are used to track and analyze key data, including print volumes and toner supply levels, to predict the number of days to toner outage.
  • Automatic Toner Shipment. Replacement toner cartridges will be shipped automatically to the department prior to toner outage--usually when toner levels are below 25%. Replacement toners may be either Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or non-OEM cartridges. To inquire about your automatic toner shipment:
  • Advance Shipment.  In the event of special toner requirements that are outside the normal process, such as large print jobs or seasonal printing, contact Customer Service at 888-375-4675 to request an advance shipment.
  • Service Requests. For malfunctioning units, contact Adams Remco:
    •  Phone:  800-275-4420 (Please have ARI tag # available)


Printers Not Covered Under the Preferred Printer Program

Supplies & Service Management for Non-Preferred Printers:

  • Printers that do not qualify for the Preferred Printer Program may have a red dot on them. Some printers that don’t currently qualify for the preferred program could qualify if they are network-capable. Contact your ITS Building Technician regarding this possibility.
  • Toner is ordered on an as-needed basis
  • Service is performed on an as-needed basis
  • Contact details:
    • Supply Department: 800-922-2612
    • Service Requests: Open a work order at