
Staff Developmental & Performance Review

There are three main types of staff developmental and performance reviews to be completed by supervisors:

Introductory Period Review

All staff (hourly and salaried) must have this review done for each new regular position. An email reminder will be sent when the review is available for completion.

  • 90-day Review
    • To be completed for hourly staff
    • Will be available day 70-120 from date of hire
  • 180-day Review
    • To be completed for salaried staff
    • Will be available day 160-210 from date of hire

Annual Review

Each year, regular staff and their supervisors participate in the annual review process that runs from January 1 to March 31 (typically). An email reminder will be sent at the start of, and throughout, the annual review period.

Staff who have regular appointment working less than 20 hours per week (classified as HU--hourly under half-time) are not required to have an annual review completed. 

Interim Review

This is an optional review that is available for supervisors to utilize outside of the introductory and annual review periods. It may be used for various reasons, such as to:

  • provide a brief checkpoint for the supervisor and employee before the annual review
  • allow formal discussion on the progress and status of prior set goals
  • adjust, add, or clarify performance expectations
  • provide coaching and professional development
To view your available reviews, click HERE.