
MA in Pastoral Ministry

CHMN 637  Seminar in Preaching





Professor: Marcus Bates
Date: May 24-28, 2020
Location: Kingsway College, Oshawa, Ontario
Course Description
An advanced preaching course emphasizing such topics as homiletical theory, history of
preaching, persuasion, current preaching trends and models, and experimental preaching
Students Learning Outcomes:
As a result of diligent participation in this course, the student will:
1. Deliver effective, biblically-based sermons
2. Demonstrate proper biblical interpretation skills
3. Understand the historical-theological development of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
4. Exhibit the capability for training church members for evangelism
5. Demonstrate an understanding of how to empower church members for leadership
6. Exhibit capability for reaching specific social groups
Class Resources:
Course Registration (The MAPM course registration is now online, please click on >> Registration instructions for more information).
Course Syllabus
Location Information