
MA in Pastoral Ministry

NTST 535 Readings in the New Testament (English)








Professor: Tom Shepherd
Date: October 9-12, 2017
Location: Chesapeake Conference Office, Columbia, Maryland.

Course Description

NTST 535 – Readings in the Pauline Writings: Study of selected letters of Paul.  Greek not required.  Not applicable to MDiv credit.

The learning objective of this course is to equip the student with the following two SLO’s of the MAPMIN program through a study of Colossians and Philemon in English.  As a result of taking this course the student should be able to:

Discuss key exegetical and theological concepts and themes of Colossians and Philemon.
Apply the messages of Colossians and Philemon to the church today.

Course Resources

(The MAPM course registration is now online, please click on >> Registration instructions for more information).
Course Syllabus