
Oklahoma Conference of SDA

The M.A. in Pastoral Ministry intensive classes will be held at Oklahoma Conference Office in the Church Fellowship Room, located at:
4747 NW 63rd Street; Oklahoma City; OK 73132
So far, this is a temporary arrangement.

Contact Information:

Oklahoma Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
4735 NW 63rd Street
Oklahoma City, OK  73132


Phone:  405-721-6110
Contact:  Pastor Apple Park
Email: apark@okadventist.org
Cell Phone: 918-605-0348
Conference website: 


Home 2
4110 NW Expressway
Oklahoma City, OK 73116

Oklahoma Conference of Seventh Day Adventist rate is
$99.00 for now.


Will Rogers World Airport –Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Directions from airport to Oklahoma Conference: 

Approximately 12 miles from airport to the Oklahoma Conference Center.