Remember when patterned leggings were “the thing”? For your sake, I hope not! What about neon-colored shirts? (Not as terrifying as the leggings, but still not great.) These are considered “microtrends.”
A is a short-lived fad (such as in second grade, when all the girls wore princess t-shirts for one week). Microtrends do not last long, quickly fading after a spike in popularity. They pop up out of nowhere, are amazingly cool for a bit, and disappear. They are usually popularized on social media platforms. Posts by celebrities, runway fashion looks, music videos, and television shows and movies all generate microtrends, which often pair classic looks with bold new twists. Thus, there are multiple microtrends in any given season.
Examples of microtrends include the “strawberry girl summer” look that began in 老司机传媒 2023 when Hailey Bieber a picture of herself wearing red-hued makeup with the caption “strawberry girl summer.” A microtrend at the beginning of 2024 focused on the “” look and emphasized luxurious items, furs, and bold gold jewelry. Its rise to popularity was likely prompted by the 25th anniversary of the TV show “The Sopranos.”
Other microtrends include the “office siren” (a look that focuses on turning regular office wear into more seductive outfits, such as pairing a regular button-down with a bold push-up bra); and the “ladies who lunch” (inspired by pastels, pearls, tweeds, and classy fashion—think Jacqueline Kennedy). Current fashion trends leopard print, colored leather, fur, feathers, and boho style.
Adding unique twists to fashion classics can offer new ways to express oneself. However, the issue with these quick trends is that they are exactly that: quick. While red-hued makeup may be appealing for a season, buying a new eyeshadow palette for a short-lived trend contributes to the ongoing problem. While investing in faux fur accessories or leopard-print shoes each time a new microtrend pops up is financially and environmentally unwise, these trends may be the chance for you to try on some unused boho skirts or pull out that red leather jacket from the back of the closet. Microtrends inspire people to try new and unusual things, but swapping your entire wardrobe for a season is a no-go.
Expect upcoming microtrends to be fads that quickly fade into oblivion. However, microtrends can also provide us with inspiration for new outfits made up of things we already have. And responsibly indulging in an article or accessory to match the trend can be a fun treat! Not all microtrends are worth the hype (like those leggings), yet others may give you inspiration for an outfit or even a signature style element that can help you become more true to yourself and have fun.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of 老司机传媒. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, 老司机传媒 or the Seventh-day Adventist church.