
The Student Movement


A Woman and Her God

Evin N. Musgrove

A woman and her God. What does this connection look like? As a newly committed believer at seventeen years old, I thought this meant making sure I was doing everything right, behaving as if God were peering over my shoulder, judging my every move. Now, as a twenty-year-old young woman who has since matured in her understanding of God, this means so much more. It means releasing the guilt of not spending forty-five minutes with Him at the start of a day, and instead, inviting God into my psychology studies with a simple, “Wow God, you’re so cool” as I learn about the complexities of the brain. It means acknowledging feelings of angst, jealousy, or self-doubt and getting to the root of those issues, together with Him. It means smiling and thanking Him for the uncomfortable, but necessary conversations had with close friends. With the Holy Spirit’s help, I am learning to approach my relationship with Christ from a place of authenticity rather than routine. How I relate to God on a Tuesday may look completely different from how I relate to Him on a Friday, and that’s the beauty of developing intimacy with Christ. God identifying Himself as, “I Am,” means He is ready and willing to be exactly what I need Him to be, whenever I need Him to be.
I posed this question to a few other Christian women I’ve been blessed to meet: “In your own life, what does it look like to be a woman connected to her God?”

“To be a woman is great, but to be a woman with a great God is greater. Even before identifying as a woman, a sister, etc., I identify myself as a child of the One true living God. Without Him, I get lost in the thoughts of vanity and false beauty standards. Without Him, I get lost in words that men who only want to use my body say to me. Without Him, I get lost. But with God, I am able to know my worth; know how to live in a way that represents Jesus to the fullest. I am able to be a woman of valor. Instead of being lost, I am found in His love. I am led toward true inner beauty and love that is unfailing. To be a woman is great. But to be a woman of God is greater.”
Sarah Nathalié, 21, Singer-Songwriter and Producer

“I feel most connected to God when I take the time to include Him in the little things of my life and truly share what’s on my heart and mind. I’ve found that it can be so easy for me to just start my day alone and neglect to talk with God which ends up sidelining Him in a way. But on the other hand, I find that when I invite God into even the little things, I begin to see His grace and mercy and beauty in the things and people around me.”
Kelli Coffen (sophomore, elementary education)

“For as long as I can remember, God has been my source of strength. Although this understanding has been widely perpetuated by society, there is no better way for me to express what God means to me. There are many silent battles and trials that I face within my life; however, my Cornerstone keeps me grounded in all things. Like many relationships, I feel distant when I don’t make an active effort to reach out to Him. In spite of my downfalls, God is consistently there. God is my strength.”
Zora Williams (senior, nursing)

"A woman truly connected to God is reflective of Him. Every facet of her life becomes saturated with God’s character and overflowing with His love. She is curious about life, passionate about serving others, and contemplative of her place in the world. When a woman centers her life around God, then you will clearly see His goodness spilling into her work, her words, her interactions. I’m not that woman yet, but I want to be. And every day God leads me closer to her.”   
Emerald Norman (class of 2020, behavioral science)

In reading the testimonies of my fellow sisters in Christ, what amazes me most is God’s divine ability to connect with billions of souls across the globe, yet, one can feel as if she has God all to herself. God is not bound by any limits. Because of this, He can draw close to those He loves and those who love Him (Romans 8:39). As women in a fallen world, we often forget this perfect love extended to us. We are tempted to feel threatened by another woman’s appearance, her accomplishments, or how loved she appears to be by others. We forget that being women connected to the same God is what unites us the most; that comparing ourselves to one another hurts God’s heart more than we can understand. We forget that each of us is loved equally by God and are invited to enter into a unique, Father-daughter relationship with Him. If we want to remember, we must personalize our Creator. For daughters of Christ, He is not just God ‘the’ Father, but God her Father, her Protector, her Strength, her Compassionate Friend. What makes the bond between a woman and her God so special, is simply that. He belongs to her.

The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of 老司机传媒. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, 老司机传媒 or the Seventh-day Adventist church.