What were the best and worst parts of your summer during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Worst: Having to leave my study abroad program early and staying home for the whole summer.
Best: Having time to reflect on life, myself and picking up a few hobbies like baking.
Nilah Mataafa
Junior, Accounting
The worst part was having all that time to self-evaluate and think about some dark parts about myself that I had swept under the other rug. It put me in a dark place. But it also brought growth.
The best part of my COVID summer was spending more time with my family and having more time to create and do things I put off for a while.
Autumn Bange
Senior, Secondary Mathematics Education
The worst part of my COVID summer was the way it affected summer camp. Thankfully we were able to do family camps but it really made it so difficult to do summer camp ministry and it also cut the summer short.
The best part of my COVID summer was being able to spend more time with my family than I would have been able to without COVID. Yes, it was stressful sometimes, but I’m really thankful for the extra time I got to spend with them.
Lisiane Umuhire
Senior, Behavioral Neuroscience & Spanish, Pre-med
The worst part of COVID summer was having to develop discipline and pull motivation out of nowhere because I had no responsibilities and nowhere to go, so in order to not stay in bed all day and get fat, I needed to refine my discipline.
The best part was having all the time in the world to deep dive into the Bible and learn as much about Jesus that I could.
Adrian Butcher
Freshman, Mechanical Engineering
The best parts of my COVID summer were spending time with family before coming to Andrews and having time to mentally prepare for this transition.
The worst parts about my COVID summer were not being able to hang out as much with friends before coming to Andrews and not being able to play sports with large groups of people.
Ashley Kate Yabut
Sophomore, Nursing
The worst part of COVID summer was watching people get sick and sometimes die.
The best part was getting educated in several aspects, determining which relationships will truly reciprocate, and getting a puppy.
Isabella Rappette
Sophomore, Finance major and Spanish minor
The worst parts of my COVID summer would have to be not being able to see my friends and family as much, as well as not being able to travel. It was difficult having to quarantine and be inside so much! That being said, some of the best parts of my COVID summer would be spending lots of time outside in nature and growing closer to my family by spending lots of quality time together.
Konnor Adema
Senior, Aviation
The “best” part of spending most of the summer in quarantine was being able to enjoy time with my family. Prior to COVID, I wasn’t able to go home very often, but quarantine gave me this unique opportunity to spend more time with family, which for me was the most positive aspect of this very negative situation. The “worst” part of the quarantine summer was the isolation from my friends and extended family, especially when the weather was great.
Kenneth Paronda
Junior, Accounting
I’m from the city so the best part for me was being able to drive around town with no traffic. The worst was when restaurants were shut down and they didn’t take dine-in.
Yucheng Lui
Junior, International Business
The best part was I got more time to focus on myself and to do my summer classes. The worst part was I didn’t get a chance to travel and I couldn’t go back to China to see my family and friends.
The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of 老司机传媒. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, 老司机传媒 or the Seventh-day Adventist church.