ࡱ> @B?c 0bjbj 8=ObOb(VV(0XvvvvQ> $X`QQvv^vvv} 0(n#nn.(nVB :  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1GUIDELINES PREPARATION OF PORTFOLIO for RANK PROMOTION AND TENURE Overview ˾ý and the Office of the Provost value you as a faculty member. We recognize that your contributions are invaluable. You have done much to make us who we are we are because you are! You have added value to the lives of our students; you have contributed to the scholarship of your department and the university; you have added depth and breadth to the content of your discipline and profession; and you have added to the collective story and identity of ˾ý. We pray that as you complete your portfolio to document your professional growth and make a case for promotion and/or tenure that you will experience joy, fulfillment and a sense of accomplishment. Your portfolio should address the three broad areas of (i) Teaching, (ii) Research/Creative Scholarship and (iii) Service and provide evidence to support the claims that you make about each. Electronic Forms You can download electronic forms from the university website. Go to the Faculty/Staff >> Faculty Development >> Rank & Tenure. Save the forms to your computer and create the portfolio within the Self-Appraisal Portfolio, following the directions in the form. Format Rank Promotion and Tenure Portfolios shall be compiled as electronic portfolios (ePortfolios) using one of the two electronic platforms provided by the School of Distance Education and International Partnerships. The two electronic platforms are LiveText ( HYPERLINK "https://www.livetext.com/" https://www.livetext.com/) and Mahara ( HYPERLINK "https://mahara.andrews.edu/" https://mahara.andrews.edu). Please contact the Department of Digital Learning and Instructional Technology ( HYPERLINK "mailto:dlit@andrews.edu" dlit@andrews.edu) for assistance in selecting the tool, training/support and an ePortfolio template for the electronic platform of your choice. Your self-appraisal section should be no more than 50 pages. For your ePortfolio please number or tag the forms. Only one electronic copy may be submitted. Please complete the information on the cover page to your application and submit this as the first page of your portfolio. Attachments should be placed in a separate section. Page the completed portfolio continuously from the Self-Appraisal through all attachments. A Table of Contents should be prepared. The use of cross-references between the Self-Appraisal and attachments is strongly recommended. You will note that many of the questions in this Self-Appraisal are open-ended. They have been designed as a framework to build your own portfolio about your philosophy, work, and achievements as a faculty member at ˾ý. You should include Attachments (see Supporting Documents below) which support your statements. To facilitate the committees work, a Table of Contents is suggested. Make pagination evident throughout the final portfolio (Self-Appraisal and all Attachments). Attachments can be paged as sections (e.g. Section A-1, A-2, etc.) for ease in cross-referencing. Supporting Documents Attachments are materials which give evidence to support your statements in the Self-Appraisal. Refer to the supporting evidence at appropriate places within the Self-Appraisal. Be selective in deciding what will be included as supporting material. The material should be selected from your activities during the last five years or since your last promotion. If the timing of your application compared to eligibility policy is unusual, e.g. early review for rank promotion or tenure, please include a copy of correspondence from your chair or dean about such timing as a cover attachment to your CV. Such information, while useful to verifying the appropriateness of timing for submitting the portfolio, does not negate the normal expectations for achieving the criteria for promotion or appointment. Information on personal finance or hiring financial arrangements is inappropriate material to include. If you have special materials which are illustrative of your work (book, CDs, video), indicate in the appropriate Self-Appraisal section that these are available to the committee if needed. A copy of the title page and Table of Contents for a book may be sufficient. Current Vitae (CV) Your CV need not be exhaustive, but should be inclusive enough to give the committee pertinent information in making its decision. Thus, it should include all career teaching positions and institutions, as well as all professional and scholarly publications during your academic career. The CV should follow the same organizational pattern as what is annually submitted in the January Report. If you are applying for an advanced rank (Assoc. Professor or Full Professor), be sure that your documentation shows evidence of development and maturation in your faculty career. The committee will look for patterns of sustained activity in improved teaching and scholarly effort. In the CV, your grouping of scholarly achievements should differentiate between peer-reviewed/refereed material, professional but non-refereed material, and other kinds of publications which represent service to the public. Criteria for Promotion. Working Policy 2:308 provides a list of desired characteristics for each of the areas of Teaching, Scholarship, and Service. Additional guidelines for each area provide interpretation for the evidence which be looked for in the portfolio. The Self-Appraisal is organized so that you can describe and present your performance in these areas. The Chairs Appraisal is similarly organized by these characteristics. Some particular suggestions are provided below. Evidence for Teaching Performance In addition to your own descriptions and explanation of your teaching performance, objective evidence should be provided in the portfolio. Evidence from student evaluations should be included as supporting documents. If you have used peer review of teaching, these would also be valuable evidence. Objective testimony for high quality of teaching may also be included: e.g., correspondence from a graduate advisor about the quality of preparation of an undergraduate alumnus, or a positive letter from an employer. Alumni letters can be useful but should be selected to illustrate how your teaching has advantaged the graduate. Teaching awards and other recognitions of teaching performance are certainly appropriate as evidence. If you have chaired doctoral dissertation committees, written comments from the graduate dean regarding the nature and quality of the work done could be included. The doctoral dissertation committees chaired should be listed in the CV. Information about advising and mentoring of individual students should be included under Service. Evidence for Scholarly and Creative Work Maturity of scholarship should be evident in the way publications, presentations, and other scholarly activities are listed. If you are uncertain where to position a particular item, review the information provided by the Office of Research & Creative Scholarship ( HYPERLINK "/services/research/" /services/research/ under Faculty Resources) on submitting publications, or seek counsel of a senior colleague or your chair. Distinctions should be drawn between the types of peer review represented in the items submitted. Accordingly, group the lists by peer review category in the manner suggested in the Self-Appraisal form. If a presentation to a scholarly organization has been made, cite the full name of that organization (not an acronym which might be unfamiliar to those outside your discipline). If there was any peer review process used in selecting your paper for presentation or subsequent publication, describe the procedure used. Do not list a doctoral dissertation as a refereed, scholarly publication unless it has been published as a book by a reputable scholarly publisher such as a university press or as a refereed article in a scholarly national journal. Special directions (see Self-Appraisal form) apply for items which are in press. Many applicants have found it helpful to include copies of published scholarly articles or papers presented at professional conferences in the Attachments section of the portfolio. For books, providing a copy of the Table of Contents for the book and title pages is usually sufficient. If the deadline for portfolio submission arrives before you are notified of article acceptance, you may seriously consider waiting another year. Concerted effort should be made to not just barely get over the bar. The time commitment and emotional energy spent in an appeal can instead be made to good use pursuing scholarship and making a marginal portfolio stronger. The fallout during the appeal process for individuals, departments, schools, and the university does not support or enhance organizational excellence. The committee should not be held accountable for the non-acceptance of articles before portfolio submission. The assessment of the chair and the dean is important regarding the quality and appropriateness for consideration in items presented. Descriptions of how a particular journal is ranked within your discipline is helpful. Evidence for Service to the University, Profession, Church and Public In describing the contributions you have made to build your department, school, and the university, as well as the profession, church and community, provide evidence of the impact your contributions have made. This evidence may be as attachments of correspondence, awards, or other forms of recognition. Note that the appropriate place for publications which serve the general church or local community is in this section. A Final Word: Successful candidates often report that the advice of senior colleagues on the portfolio has been invaluable. If you have someone who is a mentor, inviting their candid feedback of the near-final draft of your Portfolio is recommended. Current members of the Rank and Tenure Committee, however, are unable to function in this role and should not be asked.  &V]_i{h m A S   ` a o i o źв|sjbjh}CJaJhPD>*CJaJhm>*CJaJhbCJaJhQ/CJaJheheCJaJheCJaJhy 9CJaJhmhmCJaJhmCJaJhQ/5CJ\aJhPD5CJ\aJhPDCJaJhPD5CJ \aJ hPDCJaJmH sH jhPDCJUaJmH sH "!&C^_hi  $%./gdI$a$ '(ABPQz{ !Ij/C+1!wy""#$$´¬xhbCJaJh1CJaJh}CJaJhPD>*CJaJhPD6CJ]aJhCJaJhPDCJaJhIhI6CJ]aJhIhICJaJhIhICJPJaJhIhI>*CJaJjhIhICJUaJhIhICJaJ//DEvwxy}!~!"""""$$&&++,,,,....0$$$;$=$>$h$i$j$p$$'(,,--..////0˸˯˯˯˧˯h}CJaJhPD>*CJaJhPD6CJ]aJhbCJaJhPDCJaJhJhQ/0JCJaJhQ/hQ/CJaJhQ/CJaJjhQ/CJUaJ6...()()()..)() 00P/ =!"#8$% 8$Dps666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@OJQJ_HmH nH sH tH L`L Normal1$7$8$H$OJQJ_HmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List d/d 0Level 1$1$7$8$H$^a$ CJOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH >/> 0 SYS_HYPERTEXT >*B*ph6U`6 Q/0 Hyperlink >*B*phcFV !F b0FollowedHyperlink >*B*phOrPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vc:E3v@P~Ds |w< (< $0/"0'APz =h( XXXX8@0(  B S  ? _Hlt453072216 _Hlt453072217WW(@@XX(UVP[HNak ( (3V]^io +1vxjp%%'''( '(Im1Q/y 9PDU{^e#lb7:7.V ~LKZt} e@)rRf((@  (@UnknownG.[x Times New Roman5Symbol3. .[x Arial7..{$ CalibriA$BCambria Math"A:2vQR'w*"H"H!xx2''3Q$P#l2!xxjUJ hollingsMarissa Louis-Jeune Oh+'0x  ( 4 @ LX`hp hollingsNormalMarissa Louis-Jeune5Microsoft Office Word@2~@!?@!xg@V@" ՜.+,D՜.+,< hp  ˾ýH'  Title 8@ _PID_HLINKSA{i +https://www.andrews.edu/services/research/$mailto:dlit@andrews.edu8shttps://mahara.andrews.edu/[https://www.livetext.com/  !"#$%&'()*+,-.012345689:;<=>ARoot Entry F}C1TablenWordDocument8=SummaryInformation(/DocumentSummaryInformation87CompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q