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Documentation can include: letters, citations, evaluation forms documenting the faculty members participation, contribution, and impact on these areas of service.Very Goodto a mature level by having successfully integrated the best practices of teaching into all aspects of his/her teaching. Nevertheless, she/he continues to refine philosophy, theory and practice through intentional changes and innovation.... demonstrate maturation in their scholarly activity agenda with increased activity in a variety of venues. ... and must meet department/school expectation of service. The service must include successful leadership of committees or other units which have done significant work. Documentation can include: letters, citations, evaluation forms documenting the faculty members participation, contribution, and impact on these areas of service. Excellent... to a mature, creative and exemplary level, and is regarded as a leader, mentor or model in higher education practices. This is partly evidenced by some of the following: (a) successful mentoring of teachers in earlier stages of development, students in the discipline and/or students at risk; (b) teaching awards voted by students and/or colleagues; (c) requests for consultations, workshops, etc., having to do with teaching. ... are scholar-teachers of repute within their areas of expertise and display leadership in their fields through an outstanding record of scholarly contributions in a variety of venues. Examples of such recognition: editing a scholarly journal, chairing peer review (jury) panel, awarded grants and/or fellowships for research, awards or prizes won in area of research or creativity, and where discipline-appropriate, collaborating with junior faculty and students in research. ... and must exceed department/school expectation of service. The service must be considerable and noteworthy with an extraordinary/outstanding impact. Documentation for this level must include official letters, citations and/or awards received, newspapers or journal articles, etc. (See separate Note for documentation for chairs.) Note: Documentation for Chairs in Service. Some individuals, such as chairs of academic departments, program directors and librarians, may choose to make service their area of excellence. Documentation of excellence for a chair should include items such as: a successful accreditation report, approval of a new program or renewal of an existing one, evaluation forms from his/her faculty and/or students showing he/she has nurtured or served them in an outstanding way, etc. Expectations for Promotion to Ranks: PRIVATE RatingAssistant ProfessorAssociate ProfessorProfessorGood3 areas2 areas1 areaVery Good1 area1 areaExcellent1 area   q 8 C V X \ ]   L M ĻީĐ~slĐ~s hJhJhx=hx=CJaJhx=hzCJaJ hx=hz hx=hx= hGS5\hz hz5\#jQhzhzCJUaJhz>*CJaJhzCJaJ#jhzhzCJUaJhzCJaJjhzCJUaJhz5CJ\aJ)r W X akkd$$Ifc\r%2x 4 cac d$*$If dc*$ d*$ $ d*$a$ X ]   ^? & F $>TIfTfgdJ#$ $If^a$gdx=? & F $>TIfTfgdx= d$*$If L M E1#$ $If^a$gdx=? & F $>TIfTfgdx= d$*$Ifkkde$$Ifc\r%2x 4 cacM P YZ]:;>WXZjl"wrgwjhzU hzjhzUhz5>*CJ\aJhJhJCJaJhmB5CJ\aJhzCJaJhJhx=hx=CJaJhx=hzCJaJhx=CJaJ hx=hx= hx=hzhzCJaJhz5CJ\aJhz hJhJ hJhz(M Ekkd$$$Ifc\r%2x 4 cac d$*$If? & F $>TIfTfgdJYZ:;^? & F $>TIfTfgdJ#$ $If^a$gdx= d$*$If? & F $>TIfTfgdx=jklN: & F >TTfgdJ d*$kkd$$Ifc\r%2x 4 cacxkkd$$Ifc\ d&~  4 caA d$*$If dc*$   d$*$Ifkkd$$Ifc\ d&~  4 caA ! d$*$Ifkkdu$$Ifc\ d&~  4 caA!"#%&()*+-.0123dgdzkkd4$$Ifc\ d&~  4 caA"#$&')*+,./23hFCJaJjhFUhFjhFCJUaJh3 A00P0:pz= /!"#$% DpQD phoenix'UDphoenixS$$Ifc!vh#v#vx#v#v :V c55x55 /  /  / / / 44 cac$$Ifc!vh#v#vx#v#v :V c55x55 /  /  / / / 44 cac$$Ifc!vh#v#vx#v#v :V c55x55 /  /  / / / 44 cac$$Ifc!vh#v#vx#v#v :V c55x55 / / / / / 44 cacUDphoenix$$IfA!vh#v#v#v~ #v :V c555~ 5 /  /  / / / 44 caA$$IfA!vh#v#v#v~ #v :V c555~ 5 /  /  / / / 44 caA$$IfA!vh#v#v#v~ #v :V c555~ 5 /  /  / / / 44 caA$$IfA!vh#v#v#v~ #v :V c555~ 5 / / / / / 44 caA$s2&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH D`D Normal1$7$8$H$_HmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List <+<  Endnote TextCJaJ>* > Endnote ReferenceH*>>  Footnote TextCJaJ@& !@ Footnote ReferenceH*TT TOC 1/ $ 0d*$]^`0HH TOC 2# $ d*$]^HH TOC 3# $ d*$]^HH TOC 4# $ d*$]^HH TOC 5# $ d*$]^HH TOC 6# $0d*$^`0@@ TOC 70d*$^`0HH TOC 8# $0d*$^`0HH TOC 9# $ 0d*$^`0L L Index 1# $ 0d*$^`0D D Index 2 $ d*$^D.D  TOA Heading $d*$2"2 CaptionCJaJ:/: _Equation CaptionHH " Balloon Text!CJOJQJ^JaJN/!N !Balloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJ\o2\ x=Level 1#$1$7$8$H$^a$CJ_HaJmH sH tH PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VvnB`2ǃ,!"E3p#9GQd; H xuv 0F[,F᚜K sO'3w #vfSVbsؠyX p5veuw 1z@ l,i!b I jZ2|9L$Z15xl.(zm${d:\@'23œln$^-@^i?D&|#td!6lġB"&63yy@t!HjpU*yeXry3~{s:FXI O5Y[Y!}S˪.7bd|n]671. tn/w/+[t6}PsںsL. 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