
Frequently Asked Question

Zoom: for Admin Asst. - setting up meetings for other faculty
Last Updated 2 months ago

To set up a meeting for another faculty, you need to be added as a scheduler for that account or meeting and both parties need to have a Zoom Pro account. If you need a Zoom Pro account, email dlit@andrews.edu.

In order to allow an admin asst. or GA to schedule Zoom meetings for a faculty member in their account:

In the teacher's Zoom profile the teacher would

  1. click on "Settings"
  2. in the menu under Meeting click "Other"
  3. find "Schedule Privilege", at the bottom of the Settings page
  4. in the box that says "Assign scheduling privilege to" add the email of the person to do the scheduling

Now when that person goes to their Zoom page to schedule a meeting, there will be an option entitled "Schedule For" and they can choose themself or the teacher or another person that has given them scheduling privileges.

Also if they open the Zoom desktop app (Client) to schedule a meeting, if they click "Advanced Options" they will see the option "Schedule for" listed where they can view the list of people that have given them permission to schedule meetings.


In order to set up a meeting
Open zoom.us on a regular computer and then log into the departmental account.
Click on "Schedule a Meeting"
The "Topic" should be the name and semester of the course (i.e. PATH 567 FA2021)
Skip over "When" and "Duration" and click the checkbox beside "Recurring meeting"
In the "Recurrence" box click and in the drop down choose "No Fixed Time"
In "Meeting ID" leave "Generate Automatically" checked so that each meeting will have a unique number
In "Security" check "Passcode" only, that code will be embeded in the meeting number
In "Meeting Options" uncheck "Allow participants to join", check "Mute participants upon entry" and "Automatically record meeting" if you want students to view it afterwards (then check "In the cloud" so the recording goes directly into Panopto
Then click "Save" and in the next page click on "Copy invitation"

It is important that each course has their unique Zoom meeting number, so multiple meetings can go on simultaneously, and so the meeting recordings can be directed to the correct Panopto folder, and so students don't interrupt other courses if they happen to click on the link at the wrong time.


In order for the meeting recordings to go directly to the Panopto class folder:
1. Log into the departmental Panopto folder (from LearningHub it is in the "Hub Tools" drop-down menu)
2. In the Share settings, upper right, add the teacher as a creator: LH\(teacher's username)
3. Tell the teacher to go to Panopto, choose My Folder, click on their name in the upper right corner and choose "User settings", then go to the Mapping section and "Add new", where they put in the Zoom meeting number and choose the class folder.

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