
University Zip+4 Information


Name Zip+4


AIM (Adventist Information Ministry) 0970
Academic Records 0800
Accounts Payable 0720
Accounts Receivable 0780
Accounting/Economics/Finance (SBA) 0024
Advent Prayer Center 1020
Adventist Digital Library (ADL) 1440
Adventist Learning Community (NAD) 1960
Alumni Services 0950
Andreasen Center for Wellness 0310
Andrews Academy 0560
Andrews Community Counseling Center (ACCC) 0104
老司机传媒 Press 1700
老司机传媒 Seminary Studies (AUSS) 1550
Apple Valley Natural Foods 0910
Aquatics 0310
Arboretum/Grounds 0510
Athletics & Intramurals 0310
Attorney, University 0680
Aviation 0930


Benefits 0860
Biology 0410
Bookstore 0500
Bridge to Success 0114


Campus Safety 0940
Campus & Student Life 0300
Cardinal Books 1442
Career Center 1400
Cashier (Departmental) 0720
Cashier (Student Accounts) 0750
Center for Adult & Online Study Services 1900
Center for Adventist Research (CAR) 1440
Center for Continuing Education 0103
Center for Digital Learning Instructional Tech (DLiT) 1900
Center for Faith Engaement 0320
Center for Leadership 0102
Center for Off-Campus Programs 1900
Center for Youth Evangelism 1570
Center of Continuing Educ for Ministry—CCEM (SEM) 1580
Chemistry & Biochemistry 0430
Children's Learning Center 0216
Christian Leadership Center 1596
Church History 1515
Collections Manager 0750
College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) 0070
College of Education & International Services (CEIS) 0102
College of Health & Human Services (CHHS) 0190
College of Professions (CP) 0020
Community & International Development (CIDP) 0030
Computing 0360
Counseling & Testing Center 0130
Custodial Services 0440


Development 0660
Dining Services 0270
Discipleship & Lifespan Education 1567
Dissertation Office 0640
Doctor of Ministry 1560
Doctor of Missiology 1566


Employment 0840
Enactus (Business Student Organization) 0022
English 0040
Explore Andrews Program 0073


Facilities Management 0830
Financial Administration VP Office 0600
Financial Aid/Student Accounts 0750
Financial Records (for departments) 0780
FIRMS 0730
FOCUS—老司机传媒 Magazine 1030


Global Leadership Institute 1040
Graduate Enrollment 0620
Graduate Psychology & Counseling 0104
Greek MS Research Center 1500
Griggs International Academy (GIA) 1950
Gymnics 0484


History & Political Science 0010
Honors (Undergraduate) 0075
Horn Museum 0992
Howard Performing Arts Center 1050
Human Resources (HR) 0840
HR Service Records & Retirement 0840


Information Technology Services (ITS) 0880
Innovation & Entrepreneurship 0470
Institute for Prevention of Addictions (IPA) 0211
Institute of Archaeology 0990
Institute of Church Ministry 1530
Institute of Hispanic Ministry 1540
Institute of Juwish-Christian Studies 1500
Institutional Effectiveness 0218
Institutional Research 0150
Institutional Review Board 0355
Insurance 0840
Intensive English Programs (DIEP) 0042
International Center for Worship & Music 0230
International Center for Trauma Education & Care 0213
International Languages & Global Studies 0180
International Religious Liberty Institute 1515
International Student Services & Programs 0610


Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 1500
Journal of Applied Christian Leadership 1545
Journal of Research on Christian Education 1800


Lamson Hall—Women's Residence 1200
Leadership 0111
Library—Architecture Resource Center 0450
Library—Music Materials Center 0230
Library—SDA Periodical Index 1440
Library—Seminary Library 1400
LithoTech 0526


MA (Religious Education—Seminary 1567
MA in Youth & Young Adult Ministry 1567
Management/Marketing (SBA) 0022
Marketing & Enrollment Management 0740
Master of Divinity (MDiv) 1558
Math & Science Center (High School Program) 0140
Mathematics 0350
Media Center (Library 1400
Medical Laboratory Sciences 0400
Meier Hall—Men's Residence 0900
Music 0230


NAD Evangelism Institute (NADEI) 1590
New Life Fellowship 0320
New Perceptions 1150
New Testament 1546


Old Testament 1547
One Place Worship 0320


PhD: Biblical & ANE Archaeology 1548
PhD: Religion and ThD 1548
PhD: (Religious Education) (Seminary) 1567
Payroll 0820
Physics 0380
Physics Enterprises 0384
Pioneer Memorial Church (PMC) 1100
Planned Giving & Trust Services 0645
Plant Administration (Facilities Management) 0830
Plant Services 0530
Post Office 1600
Practical & Applied Theology 1510
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) 0080
President 0670
Provost 0630
Purchasing (Facilities Management) 0830


Religion & Biblical Studies 0170
Research & Creative Scholarship 0355
Residence Life 0300
Risk Management 0600
Ruth Murdoch Elementary School 0570


School of Architecture & Interior Design (SAID) 0450
School of Business Administration (SBA) 0020
School of Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCSD) 0120
School of Distance Education (SDE) 1900
School of Education 0102
School of Engineering 0370
School of Graduate Studies 0640
School of Nursing 0200
School of Population Health, Nutrition & Wellness 0210
School of Rehabilitation Sciences 0420
School of Social & Behavioral Sciences 0030
School of Social Work 0038
Seminary Chaplaincy Study Center 1555
Seminary Online Learning Center 1520
Service Records 0840
Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index (SDAPI) 1440
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary (SEM) 1500
Student Accounts 0750
Student Financial Services 0750
Student health Services 0960
Student Insurance 0840
Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities (SILA) 0300
Student Success Center 0080
Student Visits 0740
Sustainable Agriculture 0550


Transportation 0540
Tutoring 0080


Undergraduate Admission 0740
Undergraduate Education 0073
Undergraduate Enrollment 0740
Undergraduate Leadership Program 0308
University Advancement VP Office 0650
University Apartments 0920
University Archives & Records Center 1440
University Ctr for Reading, Learning & Assess (UCRLA) 0110
University Communication (UC) 1000
University Culture & Inclusion 0300
University Hospitality Services 1020
University Medical Specialties 0960
University Towers (Damazo & Burman Halls) 0980
University Wellness 0310


Veterans Affairs Services 0750
Visual Art, Communication & Design 0050


WAUS 0240
White Estate Branch Office 1440
World Mission 1565
Writing Center 0040

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