
STEM Speakers Bureau

Designed for High School STEM teachers looking for a guest speaker to engage in their classroom.
Please click request a presenter to schedule a guest speaker via Zoom.


Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske
Associate Professor - Biology
  • General Ecology or any specific subtopic within ecology
  • Environmental Science and Ethics
  • Conservation Biology
  • Mammals: Diversity and Biogeography
  • Manatee Ecology and Conservation
  • Marine Mammals: Diversity and Adaptations
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Peter Lyons
Associate Professor - Biology

  • Genes and genomes
  • Genetics and inheritance
  • Cells, stem cells, and the manipulation of life
  • Enzymes and proteins
  • Other topics in cell and molecular biology, upon request
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Brian Wong
Professor - Biology

  • How to prevent viral infections, common ways to treat viruses, and how vaccines work
    • Fits into a usual 50-55 minute class period
    • Taught at Spencerville Adventist Academy
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Robert Zdor
Professor, Department Chair - Biology
  • Being a Successful Premedical or Predental Student in College
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Ryan Hayes
Professor - Chemistry
  • Science and Faith
  • Science and the Creation Week
    • A talk for each day
    • One longer talk that summarizes the whole week
  • Chemical Design of the Earth – Chemical information that supports our earth is designed and not here by chance.
    • 10 talks (~1 hr long)
  • Where does protein come from?
  • Week of Prayer for Elementary Schools
  • Topics in General Chemistry, upon request
  • Nanotechnology
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Desmond Murray
Associate Professor - Chemistry
  • Early Research
  • Public Science
  • Environmental Themes in Chemistry

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David Nowack
Professor - Biochemistry

  • Preparing for Applying to Medical, Dental or Pharmacy Schools
    • 30 minute presentation
  • Everyday Habits: Foundation for Your Present & Your Future
    • 30 minute talk
  • Math- It's a tool. Don't like it, just know how to use it.
  • Making & Keeping Friends
  • Carbohydrates
  • Proteins
  • Lipids and Fats
  • Enzymes
  • Digestion: You are what you absorb, not what you eat
    • Advanced topic
    • 45-55 minute presentation
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Hyun Kwon
Professor - Engineering
  • How “imaginary” numbers changed the world
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Gunnar Lovhoiden
Professor - Engineering

  • Electrons and Circuits
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Boon-Chai Ng
Professor - Engineering
  • Trigonometry and its applications
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Anthony Bosman
Assistant Professor - Mathematics

• Knot Theory: The Mathematics of Knots
• The Geometry of Spot It!: A Non-Euclidean Card Game
• Beyond the Quadratic Equation: Solving Cubics, Quartics, and more!
• Four Will Suffice: The History of the Four Color Map Theorem
• The Miracle of Mathematics: Numbers, Beauty, and God
• Faith & Reason: Is belief in God irrational?

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Mickey Kutzner
Professor - Physics

  • Various physics topics, please request specific topic
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Tiffany Summerscales
Professor - Physics
  • Gravitational Wave Astronomy
  • Circuits with Resistors
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Katherine Koudele
Professor - Animal Science, Sustainable Agriculture

  • Zoonotic Diseases & Animal Health
    • Works best for longer class period due to hands-on portion. Could be broken up into two short periods
    • Taught at Great Lakes Adventist Academy for their Environmental Science class
  • Food Chemistry and Pet Nutrition
    • Works best for longer class period or two shorter periods
    • Taught at Great Lakes Adventist Academy for their Chemistry class
  • Careers in Veterinary Medicine
    • Fits into a usual 45-50 minute class period
    • Taught at Andrews Academy & Lake Michigan College Career Days
  • Careers with Animals
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STEM Division
Phone: (269) 471-3872
E-mail: stemconnect@andrews.edu

Mailing Address
STEM Division
Nethery Hall 135
4141 Administration Dr
Berrien Springs, MI 49104-0070