
Language Minors

Students can complete a minor in any of the foreign languages offered at the Department of International Languages Studies according to their preferences and their main fields of studies.  A minor in a foreign language is a great tool for students majoring in business, medical professions, education, social work, psychology, history, communication, public relations, religion, sciences, and music.  The minor requires a minimum of 24 credits, including 12 upper division credits (6 credits at AU) and a semester abroad in the ACA program.  Students who have spent time overseas as missionaries and are fluent in a foreign language do not need to participate in the ACA program.  Also, native speakers are waived from participate in the ACA program.



FREN 171 Elementary French I 3 credits
FREN 172 Elementary French II       3 credits
FREN 275*     Intermediate French 4 credits (or ACA equivalent)
FREN/ACA Intermediate/Advanced Level 8 credits
FREN/AU Upper Division 6 credits


6 upper division elective credits from FREN/ILGS courses
Remaining electives selected in consultation with an advisor from FREN/GBST courses to fulfill the minimum of 24 credits.
*One semester, or summer session, of intermediate or advanced courses at the Centre Universitaire et Pédagogique du Saléve, Collonges, France through the Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA) program is required.


SPAN171     Elementary Spanish I    3 credits
SPAN172 Elementary Spanish II 3 credits
SPAN275* Intermediate Spanish 4 credits (or ACA equivalent)
SPAN/ACA Intermediate/Advanced Level      8 credits
SPAN/AU Upper Division 6 credits
6 upper division elective credits from SPAN/ILGS courses
Remaining electives selected in consultation with an advisor from SPAN/GBST courses to fulfill the minimum of 24 credits.
*One semester, or summer session, of intermediate or advanced courses in Argentina or Spain through the Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA) program is required.