
Diversity: Blog

New Divino Blog: Weaponize Love

| Posted on November 1, 2018
It is certainly hardly ever encouraging these days to go online or turn on our televisions to watch the news. Much of what we encounter in this news is a raw, awful evidence that... read more

Statement on Child Detention & Family Separation

   Diversity: Blog | Posted on June 19, 2018
“For the Lord your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords. He is the great God, the mighty and awesome God, who shows no partiality and cannot be bribed. He ensures that orphans and widows... read more

A Commitment to Our International Andrews Family

   Diversity: Blog | Posted on January 17, 2018
Friends, As we finished our Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrations in Newbold Auditorium, I was reminded of one of Dr. King’s powerful statements about his dream for a more just... read more

Holiday Statement on Slavery and Displacement

   Diversity: Blog | Posted on December 5, 2017
At this time of the year, we are reminded of the Bible stories of families, even entire people groups, who were forced from their homes and pursued new lives for God’s promise and promised lands. Current news echoes... read more

Andrews' Statement on the Rescinding of DACA

   Diversity: Blog | Posted on September 6, 2017
We are profoundly saddened by the Trump Administration’s decision to phase out the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Our institution remains committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for every student who is enrolled... read more

A Response to Events in Charlottesville, Virginia

   Diversity: Blog | Posted on August 17, 2017
I am deeply saddened and outraged by the events that transpired over this past weekend in Virginia where demonstrators at a white nationalist rally descended upon Charlottesville with the express intent to spread hate, bigotry, and violence. These... read more