
Help Needed: God's Abundant Pantry

   Change Hub: Opportunities | Posted on November 16, 2021

God's Abundant Pantry is a pantry that provides food and groceries for around 150 families. We are open on Tuesday's and we are looking for more student help one Tuesday every month from 3:00pm-7:00pm. 


Responsibilities include:

* To open the pantry.

*Pull out all the grocery carts.

*All items go on the table. (Rice, beans etc.)

*Items are taken out of the freezer and refrigerator.

*Student volunteers/or volunteers stand behind the table to hand out items.

*When done, put everything away.

*Sign forms for student volunteers for the government.

*May need to drum up more volunteers.


If you're interested in helping, please call Roger Pickell (269-277-2899). 

Sponsors: God's Abundant Pantry

   Hope Malabrigo