
Updates on COVID-19 Budget Response

   COVID-19 Updates | Posted on June 26, 2020

June 26, 2020

Dear colleagues,

Thank you to the large number of you who joined our Zoom employee meeting on Tuesday afternoon. A number have asked for a summary of the employment actions we have taken to control University payroll expenses in response to the COVID-19 environment.

In summary, to manage our budget and ensure our financial stability, we are making just over a $3 million reduction in payroll expenses, which is equal to 3.5 percent of the total University expense budget and 7.3 percent of total payroll expenses.

This $3 million reduction is being achieved through some student labor reductions, not filling a range of open positions, 10 faculty early retirements, four one-year faculty furloughs (and some partial furloughs) and 12 staff layoffs. In addition, some faculty have announced their retirements are planned for next summer.

This continues an intentional plan by the University to ensure the balance of its workforce meets the current needs of the campus community. Last year, 15 individuals (staff and faculty) took early retirement, and some restructuring of campus operations enabled us to make some overall reductions in payroll expenses.

In spring 2020, 164 individuals were placed on partial or full furlough due to the immediate impact of COVID-19. Most of those will return to full-time employment August 1, 2020.

We are in a changing, dynamic situation and are being responsive to that as needed. Unfortunately, that causes uncertainty to our employees, as is currently the case throughout the nation. We very much regret how that has impacted the personal lives of our colleagues.

We plan and pray for a return to a more stable operational environment. In the meantime, thank you so much for your continued support of our students and each other during these uncertain times.

Despite all these changes, we are ready for a strong start to the fall semester and for the new opportunities that will bring us all.

Andrea Luxton
