
Andrews Speaks Podcast: Ingrid Slikkers - Trauma

   Podcast: Andrews Speaks | Posted on April 23, 2020


In this episode, we learn about the International Center for Trauma Education & Care and also about dealing with trauma and stress in our lives. To present on these themes, social work professor Ingrid Slikkers is joined by 3 graduate students – Erick Pena, Katelyn Campbell, Donna Campbell.

Jose Bourget also returns to lead a reflection on Time for the series on Sacred Spaces. And Carlisle continues World Changers 360 with a video about the Renaissance Kids program.

Co-curricular credit is available for students, whether listening to the podcast or watching the video. When you have completed the episode,  to answer a reflection question online to receive credit.

AUDIO PODCAST: Listen on  or on the embedded player below. We invite you to subscribe to this podcast on  or .

VIDEO EDITION: View the video on  or in the player below.



1) International Center for Trauma Education & Care - andrews.edu/cas/socialwork/traumacare/index.html
2) Instagram -
3) Facebook -
4) Email - traumacare@andrews.edu

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   Jeff Boyd