
YOU Are Invited to Attend....And VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

   Seminary Religious Education
   Thu, July 20, 2017 @ 05:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    Seminary Chapel

Hey Campus Family!!!

We are in Need of VOLUNTEERS to help out with the UPCOMING ACFRP Conference. 

That stands for Adventist Conference for Family Research and Practice!!!!

THIS Year we are talking about "The GOOD News About Marriage" and have really Phenomenal Speakers coming to present various workshops that WE Know You WILL Be interested in.

Some Topics INCLUDE: 

  • “Theological Foundation for Life-Partner Selection”
  • “Noviazgo, Matrimonio y Sexo En La Cultura Juvenil: ¿Por qué la Iglesia debe hablar de ello?
  • "Marriage and Sex in Youth Culture: Why should the Church talk about it?"
  • “Family Systems Concepts: Application to Counseling Couples”
  • “Adventist Engaged Encounter: A Marriage Preparation Model” 
  • “Beyond One: The Fiscal, Gender and Emotional Landscape of Single Parenting Underline”
  • “Marriage Scope: Helping Couples Assess and Promote Healthy Habits in Marriage”
  • “Restoring Christian Marriages”
  • “Great News! A Very Bright Side of Troubled Family Members”
Now I Know SOME of YOU are like....why would I want to attend This Program?

That's a GREAT Question! 

Here's the Answer: 

How many of you hated the homes you grew up in? How many of you had friends who suffered in homes that were broken and TOTALLY dysfunctional? Maybe this was Your Life? Or Maybe your parents or family members " 'presented' to the world, a picture of This HAPPY Home," but in reality you say to Yourself, "if people really KNEW the Truth"?
On the Flip side....
How many of YOU Say or have said to Yourselves, "I'm Never Gonna Get Married!!!" Or Say, "I wish I could be in a relationship with someone who gets me!" Or "When I get married, I'm gonna do DIFFERENT than my parents?" How many of you wonder about finding that special someone meant for YOU?!
I know I have said, many of these statements....But How can YOU Change the Picture of YOUR Life, or influence the Life of family members, if you don't understand the knowledge and experience of another?! 
The Bible Says, A wise man learns from someone else's mistake, but a foolish man does not listen to counsel (a paraphrase) Proverbs 12:15.
At this Conference, Scheduled for July 20-22, 2017  WE will be tackling these Questions through the Presenters we have Brought together from ALL OVER THE USA.
We have single parents, divorcees, married folks, professional therapists and more coming to share their knowledge, research and SKILL Set with YOU so That YOU, ME, OUR Friends/Peers can Gain Knowledge and Valuable Wisdom to Help US Have Improved Lives and Family Relationships. 
Look the truth is the church is NOT Perfect.  Neither is the World for that matter, because We are ALL sinful fallen Human Beings, BUT We have a Truth From the Gospel that Tells Us  
HOW to Have Happy Lives, Marriages and HOMES!

Won't you take some time from your busy life to COME and Check US OUT!!! 
I promise YOU,
 THIS Conference IS Worth It!!!
And Most Importantly, YOU WILL GET an Opportunity to Rub Shoulders with Powerhouses In the Field of Marriage and Family (from all walks of Life)......
Now who wouldn't want Free Counsel and Advice to Do Better than What we've seen within Our Own Lives/Families. I sure know I do!!!! 
Oh!! We forgot to let you know..... there is a Whole Track in Spanish Too!!!
We Hope to See YOU THERE!!!!!!
And PLEASE Volunteer...
We could Really Use the Help
and would Love to have YOU join Us as we learn what
REALLY IS (About)!!!!
Check out OUR WEBSITE & Register to ATTEND. 

Did We Mention, Volunteers ATTEND FOR FREE?!!!!!
Contact Us at 269-471-6186 or via ACFRP@Andrews.edu for MORE Info
Your Coordinators, 
Nadia W. & Justyn S

Sponsors: NAD Family Ministries, GC Family Ministries, Social Work, Behavioral Health Department and Theological Seminary
Related Website(s): andrews.edu/sem/reled/acfrp_conference/

   Nadia Williams & Justyn Stepp